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A member registered Dec 01, 2023

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Reproduction Rate: Attempted 5 times, 80% Reproduction Rate
Level: Chapter 1
Description: After the player has cleared the navigation/Ghoul puzzle in Chapter 1, they will be prompted to move a movable object, and collect a rune. In this case, the UI will overlap each other and make it difficult to see the buttons to select.

Steps For Reproduction
1) Launch the title in the Closed Beta Revision
2) Once Launched, Skip the Opening Cinematic
3) Once on the Main menu, select “New Game”
4) Once the player has spawned, Progress down the golden path towards the first “Die Of Souls”
5) Just before reaching the Rubble moving puzzle, view the UI overtaking each other.

Hey Folks!
When I was playing through the game, I loved the audio; especially the music tracks. 

I wanted to make the background audio louder but realised there was no Audio customisation in the audio tab, meaning I couldn't control the audio of the game. 

Please could this be added to the audio menu? It would be super handy if I was able to change the audio at runtime, instead of having to adjust the audio through Window's Volume Mixer or Master Audio options! It would also be lovely if I was able to select the Audio output and increase/Decrease individual tracks (Music, Folie, Speach, Cinematic, Master). 

Steps For Reproduction

  1. Launch the title in the Closed Alpha Revision
  2. Once in-game, select “Options”
  3. View no SFX options exist

Reproduction Rate: Attempted 3 times, 100% Reproduction Rate
Level: Chapter 1
Description: If the player scrolls through the empty pages to the right, a visual issue will display after reaching page X.

Steps For Reproduction

  1. Launch the title in the ClosedAlpha iteration
  2. Once on the main menu, create a new game
  3. Once In-game, open the Book with R1
  4. Continue turning the page right
  5. View the visual issue that occurs.

Reproduction Rate: Attempted 3 times, 100% Reproduction Rate
Level: Chapter 1
Description: If the player opens the Glyph book, and scrolls exclusively right, a console error will be displayed and the book cannot be interacted with.

Steps For Reproduction

  1. Launch the title in the above revision
  2. Once on the main menu, enter Chapter 1
  3. Progress and get the first Glyph
  4. Progress and gain the second Glyph
  5. Open the Book (R1)
  6. Press right on the D-pad continuously in quick succession
  7. View you have broken out of the Array.
  8. View you are now unable to use this mechanic

Reproduction Rate: Attempted 3 times, 100% Reproduction Rate 
Level: Main Menu
Description: During the first time launch (And after subsequent launches), the game doesn't display an EULA for the player to accept. Such disclaimers can also allow the tracking of user data such as Unity Analytics. 

Steps For Reproduction

  1. Launch the title in the ClosedBeta Revision
  2. View no EULA is present.

Reproduction Rate: Attempted 3 times, 100% Reproduction Rate 
Level: Chapter 1
Description: When the player moves down the Golden Path towards the first crystal, there is a pillar on the left where Z-Fighting is visible. 

Steps For Reproduction 

  1.  1) Launch the title in the Closed Beta Revision 
  2.  2) Once Launched, Skip the Opening Cinematic 
  3.  3) Once on the Main menu, select “New Game” 
  4.  4) Once the player has spawned, Progress down the golden path towards the first “Die Of Souls”
  5.  5) View the Z-Fighting

Hey Folks! Whilst I've been navigating the menus, I've noticed the controller displayed (In the Keybinds Menu) will always be a Playstation Controller. 

I'm not sure what the target platforms will be for The Black Candle, but it would be really handy and polished if the UI wireframe detected which controller was connected to the PC (Be it Xbox or Playstation), and displayed whichever the player is using. 
Although the keybindings are the same (In the same location), it would make the UI stand out.

Steps For Reproduction

  1. Plug in an XBS controller into the PC
  2. Launch the title
  3. Once on the main menu, select “Options”
  4. View the control scheme is specific to the PS5 controller.

Hey Folks! I've been playing through and I had a UI mapping request!

When on the in-game Menu (Once in Chapter 1), If the player is on the bottom level of the menu structure, pressing the B (Or circle) button doesn't close the menu, and instead the player has to press the Start button. 

It would be nice (From a new player's perspective) if instead of having to re-press start, the player could just press the "Back" button to return to the game (B on Xbox Controllers or Circle on Playstation Controllers). 

By doing this, it would speed up navigating the menus, and let the player get straight back into the game!

Steps For Reproduction

  1. Launch the title in the closed beta version
  2. Once on the Main Menu, enter Chapter 1
  3. Press Menu
  4. Press B (On the Xbox Controller)
  5. View nothing happens.

Hey Folks! I wanted to ask if it was possible to add Crouching in addition to rolling. 

When playing through the first Chapter, I had to roll through multiple obstacles. Although great, I felt I didn't get the precision I really wanted.  
I often found myself rolling into walls, or not into the correct locations and as a result, I had to spend time re-adjusting which took me out of the experience. 

To counter this, it would be nice to crouch (When stationary) and move whilst crouched (Very Slowly). Perhaps, if the player goes over a certain speed, then it automatically turns into a crouch (Similar to systems in the Assassins Creed titles) when a particular button is held.  

By doing this, It would give the player more precision, as well as more control whilst moving. 

Steps For Reproduction

  1. Launch the title in the Closed Alpha revision
  2. Once on the main menu, press “Play Game”
  3. Press “X” and try to roll when not moving
  4. View nothing happens.